Several methods such as geometric correction, band combination, contrast stretch, density slicing, minus operation, normalized different vegetation index ( NDVI) are used in data processing. 对研究区遥感图像进行了波段组合、对比度拉伸、几何纠正,并对3种图像增强方法(密度分割、差值运算、植被指数)进行了比较,对植被指数图像进行了无监分类处理。
The result shows that relationship between density slicing of NDVI and cotton yield is better. 结果表明:NDVI密度等级分割与棉花产量相关性较好,故使用NDVI密度等级分割图结合不同棉花品种分类结果,划分出不同棉花品种的高产田和中低产棉田;
With satellite picture, after density slicing, multi-spectra synthesis, temperature retrieval process and so on., we can obtain the thematic image of heat radiation, greenland distribution, and so on, then carry on regional greenland evaluation; 使用卫星图像,经过密度分割、多光谱合成、温度反演等过程,获得哈尔滨市地表辐射温度专题图和绿地分布专题图等,用于区域绿地评价;